Common mistakes that novice designers can make in design:
☑️ Insufficient knowledge of typography:
Poor font choices, poor text placement, poor line spacing, and poor alignment can greatly impact the readability and visual impact of a design.
☑️ Incorrect use of color: Low-contrast or poorly matched colors can make a design ineffective. You should also consider the color model used in printing to avoid possible color variations.
☑️ Low resolution images:
Using low-resolution images in printed materials may result in pixelation and loss of detail during printing. It is important to use high quality, printable images.
☑️ Incorrect placement of elements: Incorrect placement of elements in a design, non-compliance with the principles of composition and balance can lead to visual chaos and make it difficult to perceive information.
☑️ Wrong choice of format and size: Failure to select the selected format and size of the design for its intended purpose (for example, choosing the wrong size for a banner or brochure) can lead to inconvenience when printing or using it.
☑️ Lack of attention to detail:
Small mistakes, such as typos, incorrect alignment, or mismatch between the layout and the final version, can have a big impact on the impression of the design and the professionalism of its author.
It is important to remember that every mistake is an opportunity for improvement and growth. Regular self-study, practice, and feedback will help aspiring designers overcome these challenges and grow in their field.